Introducing Action Card 3
Finally! The roll out of Action Card 3.0 is complete and we want to share with you some of the new features that we’re most excited about. With this update we really wanted to focus on giving Action Card users the freedom of seamlessly working on any device they choose. The same sleek, user-friendly interface you experience on your desktop is now the same UI you’ll enjoy on any mobile smart device. There are a few other new features to check out in Action Card 3…
Question Options
You’ve always been able to create customized reviews and questions, but now you have the ability to add more review options! More options means better context and communication. You can stick with “yes” and “no”, or you can add more options; whatever works for you and your organization.
Signature Acknowledgment
We noticed that in some instances, another step of authentication was needed, so we added the ability to add e-signatures to tasks, documents or even invoices. We also thought this would be a nice addition to hold team members accountable. A signature of acknowledgment is more than a check box or radial button; it increases accountability in your field visit processes.
Date & Time Capture and Calendar Option
We know that scheduling, creating deadlines and staying on a certain timeline is crucial to your role. A major reason Action Card is needed in the field visit process is to take the traditionally slow, ineffective, paper-based field visit process into the digital age. The lag times organizations were facing before mobile offerings like Action Card, would very often render a field visit useless. We understand the need to get things accomplished quickly, and with built-in accountability. Our new scheduling and time capture options help you do it all.
Increased Reporting and Access
Previously, users could only access reports via a smart tablet. With the Action Card 3 roll out, users now have the exact same access no matter what device they’re using. Reports, reviews, schedules; everything is accessible via the smart device of your choosing. We wanted to offer the power of mobility and choice to our users, because everyone works differently. With a fully responsive site, you can take Action Card anywhere, or nowhere!