How to Build a Brand Experience

You’re creating a new company or revamping an existing one and you keep hearing about how important branding is to be successful in business. So, you have a logo made, decide what colors you want your brand to use and make an amazing website that you keep finding yourself on just to admire how awesome it is. Okay, all set on the branding front, right?
Wrong. While all of the items you checked off your list are incredibly important, there’s more to be accomplished when creating a great brand and it all has to do with creating a brand experience.
So, how does one create a brand experience? We’ve provided you with some of the most commonly overlooked steps in creating a great brand experience.
Customer Service
A brand’s customer service is extremely important to brand experience, as it is the primary way the brand interacts with its customers. Having great customer service isn’t terribly difficult to do. You can have wonderful customer service by simply being there when the customers need you and trying to fix problems before they happen.
Ideally, the customer won’t experience any issues at all, which falls under fixing the problems before they happen. But, in the event that problems do arise, it’s important to be there and have a solution handy.
Personalizing a brand makes it, well, more personable to the customer. If your brand is personalized, consumers will be more attached to it, very similar to how people become attached to good friends.
There are many ways to accomplish this aspect of the brand experience. Some common tactics brands use are birthday greetings and featuring fans in online content. It may seem silly at first to send a birthday greeting to a consumer. Why would they want to receive well wishes from a company? But it’s truly the thought that counts. It’s the fact that the company took the time to create personalized content and send it to them on their day. And, offering a free little something couldn’t hurt either.
Having a great flow also attributes to brand experience. This flow can be present in a number of different situations from the website layout to the progression of contact from the company. A general rule for flow is that simple is always better.
As you can see, creating a brand experience for your customers isn’t difficult, it just requires a little more effort than great branding materials.