Get Smart with Action Card

A bicycle can’t stand alone because it is two-tired…

Get it?

Hey, Charlie from Action Card here. Hope you all enjoy clever, but completely irrelevant jokes – I know I do. What I really want to discuss with you is the latest and greatest from Action Card, aka our newest release.  Our focus this time was centered around reporting and a more effective organization of action and location items.  We want nothing more than to empower the user, allowing for a smooth, efficient reviewing and auditing system.

Painting the picture. We are firm believers that visuals are vital to the understanding of data, which is why we have made available graphical reporting.  With this, you  will be able to not only see your scores in graphical layout, but compare them side by side with other locations’ scores as well as be able to interact with your data.



Enhanced Analytics. An expanded Data Sheet provides the user with complete control over what data is viewed.  You will be able to see your bottom and top 10% scores, letting you know who’s hot and who’s not.  Put yourself in the driver seat – filter scores by category or simply view all data.




Rejected! Color-coded action and location items allow the user to quickly identify rejected items, promoting faster response times.  All other items are organized by most recently submitted, so you’ll know exactly what’s on your plate.
