Coming soon! – Action Card | Checklists

NEW! Action Card | Checklists
The exciting release of our new Checklist module is upon us and we’d like to give a peek behind the curtain. As an operations management platform, we noticed a need for in-store forms to be converted from paper and laminated sheets that were many times lost or eventually ruined in the harsh environments they were utilized.
After careful consideration and valuable input from our client base, we are preparing to release Action Card | Checklists in the coming weeks. Here is an overview of the new offering:

Convert any paper-based checklist into Action Card and equip your locations with a mobile device for them to complete these forms. All checklists can be scheduled on a regular recurring basis so your team knows EXACTLY what you expect and when to complete the task(s). Action Card will only serve up checklists during the time they are to be completed, once a checklist has expired – they are “wiped” off the screen and no longer available.
Team member access is granted via PIN number and controlled to only the checklist level. This functionality allows for user-based tracking and task management.
New Interface
The Checklist dashboard is ordered chronologically to best outline the time sensitive checks due for a site manager to complete as part of their business day. All Checklist pages are organized in one-page view so tasks can be easily checked off during the shift.
Rewards System
With team member user tracking, scoring is available and reportable at the user level. Each user is aware of the point value of that specific task notated by a value below the task description. When a user completes the task, that completion is recorded and shown directly next to the point total. This can bode well for a reward system based on the # of tasks or items that were completed by a specific user.

All pertinent parties will receive a notification when a checklist has been started, completed, or when a checklist has expired and not completed. These communications will provide a level of transparency and alert senior management if their locations are not prepared for their shift. Alerts can be received via Push Notifications and also emails, preferences can be selected per user.

Notes log book
Communication is paramount between shifts and all management within a location. All checklists and tasks within those checklists have the capability to leave notes for management to review. Notes will live in the Note Log until marked as read by a member of management. This is the electronic version of the “notebook” sitting in the office!
GPS-Enabled Activity tracking
All user activity is now tracked via GPS data gathered from the mobile device upon entry of data. Reporting will be available to provide information if checklists are being completed offsite or away from the location.