Action Card 4.0 release February 3rd, 2018
Change is in the Air…
With the release of Action Card 4.0, you will begin to notice quite a bit of enhancements as well as navigational and design updates within the application. We are also excited to announce the upcoming release of our new module:
Here’s more information on Checklists
Action Card 4.0 will include the following updates for all existing subscribers:
Push Notifications & Alerts
Users can receive alerts on their mobile device for most activity within their assigned area of the company. Each user can control their communication preferences for all new alerts to stay informed as possible. Emails will still be sent as they are today, but push notifications are an added, instant update.
GPS Enabled Activity
Action Card will record a users location while entering data in Action Card. Location Services will need to be enabled on the mobile device for Action Card to capture location data. The location information is available in reporting to determine if the report was completed onsite or offsite.
The new Team feature allows for accessibility controls for a group of users within the application. This includes permission to view and complete review or checklists and all notifications related to these forms. All reporting for a team member will only reflect that teams performance. Teams allows for members to focus only on the parts of the business that pertains to their role.
Reporting Dashboard
A one-stop-shop for your most important data from past reviews and activity. Select a specific date range to generate information with the ability to print this information in a handy & shareable document!
Review Standards Report
New report to outline completion rate of an assigned number of visits for a specific time frame. Standards are then computed as a % completion. If you are required to do a certain number of visits for a timeframe, this report will help to outline if you are performing to standard.
New Question Types
A few new question types to handle responses including Numeric, Decimal & Money.