7 Ways to Build Brand Recognition

In a recent post here on the Action Card blog, we covered the importance of brand consistency. That means especially as you’re growing, remember not to bite off more than you can chew. Because consistency is the goal, be sure there is room to maintain your efforts. If you’ve got the support and resources, go for the whole ball of wax and tackle all of the following. If you’re just getting your start, choose a few, maintain consistency, and then add.
Outstanding Customer Service
Great customers service isn’t just about nailing down repeat customers. With all of the choices your customers have today, if they aren’t wowed by your customer service, they might just leave the store without making their first purchase. Depending on your products or service, they can go down the road or hop online and get the same thing. So, you may have actually established brand recognition with a customer who received poor service, but they likely now recognize your brand for bad customer care and that’s certainly not the goal.
Create a Blog
Not only does a blog give you ample opportunity to build up your SEO with keywords, it gives you an opportunity to establish your brand as a resource for customers and build credit as an industry leader. A blog gives you more room to tell a story, share an entertaining blurb, or position your brand as one that can be trusted.
Get a Newsletter Going
A newsletter offers endless potential to engage your audience. You can send bits of relevant information, company news, or special offerings to entice sales. Another great aspect of email newsletters is how easy they are to measure. You can gauge your success pretty directly.
Reward Referrals
A couple weeks ago we talked about brand ambassadors on the blog and referral rewards are a great way to encourage your brand ambassadors to spread the word. For instance, Airbnb gives hosts a $25-$100 credit when they get a friend to sign up as a host. You can do this on a smaller scale, like “Share this code and get 10% off your next purchase” or supply your customers with referral cards that when collected result in a discount.
Create Shareable, Interesting Content
Building consistent brand recognition isn’t all about sell, sell, sell. A large part of it is figuring out who your audience is, what they expect from you, delivering it consistently and making sure it is as easy as possible for your audience to spread the word. Dollar Shave Club has done a great job of creating shareable, interesting content for their audience. Their branding is on point, and they aren’t overtly salesy. Instead, they push out fun, aesthetically pleasing content their audience wants to share.
Remarketing Campaigns
So they visited your site, liked your Facebook page or engaged with your brand in some way…now what? Stay in front of them! Use remarketing to stay in sight and on top of mind. Remarketing is a fantastic way to stay relevant to your customers, and generate a second-chance to nail down a sale, opening the window for a relationship between brand and customers.
Reinforce Brand Consistency
As an organization grows, the task of creating brand awareness through consistency won’t be a one-person job. The responsibility will spread out, and this can sometimes dilute your brand if not handled correctly, especially with multiple locations. Field visits to reinforce brand consistency will be necessary. To streamline this process and truly ensure compliance, consider using a tool specifically designed for this purpose.
Action Card is the optimal tool to reinforce brand consistency at your physical locations. With all the features you need to keep your brick and mortars cohesive, Action Card is a must-have tool to dominate brand consistency. Want to learn how it works? Take a demo today..